Detective Ivano-Frankovsk. Private investigation agency in Ivano-Frankovsk. Investigation Services in Ivano-Frankovsk.

Private detective agency  Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service  ( UDS ) offers a big list professional, fast, quality and not expensive investigation services in Ivano-Frankovsk
Private detective agency  Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service  ( UDS ) offers a big list professional, fast, quality and not expensive investigation services in Ivano-Frankovsk
... Private detective agency Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service ( UDS ) offers a big list professional, fast, quality and not expensive investigation services in Ivano-Frankovsk ...
Private detective agency  Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service  ( UDS ) offers a big list professional,
 fast, quality and not expensive investigation services in Ivano-Frankovsk detective, private, agency, Ivano-Frankovsk, service, investigations, services, background, check, legal, identity, collection, information, people, search, anti, scam, genealogy, investigator
detective, private, agency, Ivano-Frankovsk, service, investigations, services, background, check, legal, identity, collection, information, people, search, anti, scam, genealogy, investigator Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service private detective agency
( filiation UDS in Ivano-Frankovsk )
Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service private detective agency

Detective services in Ivano-Frankovsk city and Ivano-Frankovsk region

On this page, you will find some samples of our private detective agency "Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service" reports.

Data verification

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city )
nesesarry for all future investigations.

name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
date of birth: 24 years
place of live: Ivano-Frankovsk

OUTPUT DATA ( If input data is correct)
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
patronymic: Vladimirovna
date of birth: 12.12.1984
place of birth: Ivano-Frankovsk
registrated adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovskskaya naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Or if she give to you not truthfull information, we dont find she in adress bureau records.And you will know, that she is unreal

Adress verification

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
date of birth: 24 years
place of live: Ivano-Frankovsk, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Ivanova Ilona is live and registrated on this adress
Ivano-Frankovsk, Ivano-Frankovskskaya naberejnaya 2 aprt 18
mother - Valentina Petrovna Ivanova
father -Mikhail Semenovich Ivanov
Home phone - +38(044)3232322

Previous marriages check

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
date of birth: 24 years or 12.12.1984
place of live: Ivano-Frankovsk, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

23.12.2001 in ZAGS Kharkiv city ,Ivanova Ilona Ivanovna, 1984, was married with Sidorov Vitaliy Vitalievich, 1980, adress: Ivano-Frankovsk, Ivano-Frankovsk bulvar 3 aprt 6 , and after marriage take surname Sidorova.

11.02.2005 in ZAGS Ivano-Frankovsk city, Ivanova Ilona Ivanovna was divorced with Sidorov Vitaliy Vitalievich,1980, adress: Ivano-Frankovsk, Ivano-Frankovsk bulvar 3 aprt 6, and after marriage take surname Ivanova.

Or she never was married.

Real estate search

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
patronymic: Vladimirovna
date of birth: 12.12.1984
place of birth: Ivano-Frankovsk
registrated adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Ivanova Ilona Vladimirovna, dob.1984 , is owner of:

1. Owner of All aprtm 18 , in house 2 on Ivano-Frankovsk Naberejnaya in Ivano-Frankovsk

2. Owner of 1/3 aprt 3 , in house 23 on Shevchenko sreeet in Ivano-Frankovsk

Or she dont have real estate registrated in Ivano-Frankovsk.

Auto transport search

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
patronymic: Vladimirovna
date of birth: 12.12.1984
place of birth: Ivano-Frankovsk
registrated adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Ivanova Ilona Vladimirovna, dob.1984 , is owner of:

1. Car BMW-520, 1998 year, registration numbers AX 4536 AA

Car registrated in MREO - 1 of Ivano-Frankovsk region, Ukraine.

Or she dont have auto transport registrated in Ivano-Frankovsk.

Police records check

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
patronymic: Vladimirovna
date of birth: 12.12.1984
place of birth: Ivano-Frankovsk
registrated adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Ivanova Ilona Vladimirovna, 12.12. 1984, adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

12.01.2001 , Ivano-Frankovsk area court of Ivano-Frankovsk region, article 190 part 3 Criminal codeks of Ukraine (fraud), on 4 years of prison.

Or she is clear.

Lovers and boyfriensd search

INPUT DATA ( name, surname, age , city, adress )
after data verification
name: Ivanova
surname: Ilona
patronymic: Vladimirovna
date of birth: 12.12.1984
place of birth: Ivano-Frankovsk
registrated adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18

Ivanova Ilona Vladimirovna, 12.12. 1984, adress: Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 18,
have boyfriend Shevchenko Igor, 1984, adress Ivano-Frankovsk city, 61000, Ivano-Frankovsk naberejnaya 2 aprt 11.
( in attached files you see photos and video proofs)

Or we tell that she dont have lovers and boyfriends.

This is only few samples of private detective agency "Ivano-Frankovsk Detective Service" reports.

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